No, I am not talkin' apple or cherry pies, but savoury ones: steak pie, mince pie, pork pie, Scotch pie, and curry chicken pie--and many more besides. I love going to the supermarket and just gazing on the infinite variety of them available. I have had the curry chicken pie and it is really, really delicious. (Hmmm, in fact, I would like one now.) And incredibly cheap. And, I am sure, incredibly unhealthy!
The other "flavour" I have had is steak pie. This I have only purchased at the local chip shop. Of course, you are obliged to order it with chips. And gravy. Oh, and salt and vinegar. I think this meal may literally be a "heart attack on a platter". But so satisfying on a cold, damp Scottish day! And the chip shop owners are so happy to help assuage your guilt--on the walls are posters proclaiming chips are "delicious and nutritious!" Seriously. Followed by little facts about how a serving of chips has more fiber than an average serving of brown rice. Just makes me smile. And shake my head in amazement.
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