I know many of you are expecting photos of my new flat. But unfortunately because of banks being silly and my landlord has yet to receive my deposit, I am still in my old place. I know many people wanted to see photos of that too, so thought we could do a little comparison. Before and after. Do pardon the mess. The top image is a view from my window (with train tracks cropped out).
Next is the room itself. Single bed on the right which is connected to the wall.
My tiny bathroom. But it is my very own! Shower on the left divided by very lightweight shower curtain that sticks to you when you are using it.
This the flat hallway. My door is the second you see on the left. The second door on the right is the kitchen. See below:
So you see, it is not terrible. Small, yes, but everything is new and generally works. However, for the price of my room, you can rent a whole 1 bedroom flat in the West End of Glasgow (the posh end--where I live) and be closer to uni...and shops...and pretty much everything. There are a lot of vacant lots around my current housing making the walk home at night a bit creepy.
Now hopefully in a few days, I will be able to post pics of my new flat and do a little comparison.
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